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Direct endothelial junction restoration results in significant tumor vascular normalization and metastasis in mice

Agrawal, V.; Maharjan, S.; Kim, K.; Kim, N.-J.; Son, J.; Lee, K.; Choi, H.-J.; Rho, S. S.; Ahn, S.; Won, M. H.; Ha, S. J.; Koh, G. Y.; Kim, Y. M.; Suh, Y.-G.; Kwon, Y.-G.

Oncotarget, 2014, 135, 2761-2777.


Glucal-conjugated sterols as novel vascular leakage blocker: structure-activity relationship focusing on the C17-side chain.

Kim, K.; Maharjan, S.; Lim, C.; Kim, N.-J.; Agrawal, V.; Han, Y. T.; Lee, S.; An, H.;  Yun, H.; Choi, H.-J.; Kwon, Y.-G.; Suh, Y.-G.

Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2014, 75, 184-194.


Identification and validation of cryptochrome inhibitors that modulate the molecular circadian clock

Chun, S. K.; Jang, J.; Chung, S.; Yun, H.; Kim, N.-J.; Jung, J.-W.; Son, G. H.; Suh, Y.-G.; Kim, K.

ACS. Chem. Biol., 2014, 9, 703-710.